My Future Career


I love engineering. Its main focuses are on numbers, order, and evolving around problems, and these are things that I am very good at. I have also always admired the engineering feats of the world, and I want to get in on that. Finally, I like designing cars, and car design is part of engineering.

This is a new building material called CLT (Cross Laminated Timber) and it has incredible potential


There isn't much to say here other than I like technology and trying to tinker with it.


Robotics involves a mix of both engineering and technology, which makes it all the more enticing. I have always been fascinated with making something nonliving move and do things. Robotics is also rapidly becoming the future of technology, and I want to help it along.

^ Robot Dog ^


This is a pretty stark difference from engineering, but it is still an option. Is it because I want to try to make the world safer? Maybe. Is it because I really like firearms and doing crazy stuff? Maybe. Is it because I like a challenge? Maybe. Either way, I think it is a profession that I would be good at. The one branch of the US military I would want to join is probably the Navy SEALS.